Recent news about title, escrow, mortgage and related industries for A Team Staffing clients, candidates and employees.

A New Career in the Real Estate Industry: An A Team Success Story

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This is the story of the beginning of a career in the real estate industry.

Megan was a successful teacher.  She had her English degree, an MBA and a job she enjoyed at a westside charter school.

Yet she felt ready for a change. As she reflected on what might next in her career, Megan realized that she wanted to join the business world and pursue a new career in the real estate industry. But which area of the real estate industry, she wondered?

Title? Escrow? Mortgage? A real estate office?

While searching the web for jobs and ideas, Megan visited the A Team Staffing website, where she eagerly dove into the title, escrow, mortgage job openings on the job board. Intrigued, she called our office, and explained that she was eager to learn about the industry from the inside. She saw working on temporary assignments in real estate-related companies as the best way to explore the industry and industry employers and to begin to grow a real estate network.

Megan was talented, flexible and professional, with good administrative skills and a professional demeanor. We scheduled an immediate interview, confirmed her interests and priorities with her, and then set to work marketing her talent to our escrow, title and mortgage clients.

Megan has been working on A Team Staffing front desk assignments at escrow offices and real estate offices throughout the summer, covering vacations and workload peaks in some of Southern California’s best known real estate firms while learning about escrow and the real estate industry. With good administrative and customer service skills, flexibility and a genuine interest, Megan has been able to use her A Team assignments to explore the real estate industry and the work roles she may want to explore next, from the inside.

It’s been a win-win summer success story: competitive pay and a foot in the real estate door for Megan and capable and professional front desk coverage for our escrow and brokerage clients.



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