Recent news about title, escrow, mortgage and related industries for A Team Staffing clients, candidates and employees.

Fool’s Gold…it’s out there and BEWARE

A Team Staffing receives daily requests from clients across Southern California for various types of staffing needs (from Receptionists, to Escrow/ Title Assistants, Officers, or Managers) and we are prepared to assist you with your needs.

Unfortunately, as many of you know, we haven’t been able to assist with many of your requests and have had to tell you “no” far more frequently than we would like. The scarcity of available-experienced candidates can be one of the biggest challenges that any staffing company can face. We know that it can be tempting to take short-cuts during the screening process and see industry buzzwords “Escrow Officer” or “Title Assistant” and immediately think they are a good choice as a candidate. This can be an easy trap to fall into.

Many of our clients have told us of similar stories where they thought they were hiring somebody with a certain skill set, but it later turned out that a bevy of baggage came with that person. A Team Staffing believes strongly in maintaining discipline through the hiring process. During the busy (and often desperate) times, it’s easy to make an emotional hire. Using a staffing company can take the emotion out of the candidate search. What you thought was a gold nugget, could be seriously flawed, or worst yet, a lump of coal!




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