Recent news about title, escrow, mortgage and related industries for A Team Staffing clients, candidates and employees.

Federal Unemployment Benefits Expired, What Now?

Federal unemployment benefits expired this past Saturday, September 4th, meaning thousands of eligible workers in California are no longer receiving the additional financial support they received during the Covid-19 pandemic. California expects to see about 2.2 million workers losing aid, according to California’s EDD.

As a result, we have already seen more applicants come through and we are screening and interviewing more people. For a job seeker, that simply means that there will be more competition to find a job. On average, a hiring manager will screen/interview 3-5 candidates to fill a position. So you may be asking yourself if the are odds in your favor? The answer is yes…and no. As the saying goes, “control what you can control”.

-Candidates that get in front of the line first will have the first opportunities. Expect a wave of job seekers looking for jobs now that federal unemployment benefits have ended.

-Temporary work can get your foot in the door! We see it over and over again that short-term temporary opportunities can transition to long-term or career roles. Don’t discount working “temp”!

-Hiring managers are beginning to notice gaps on resumes. It is always to your benefit to keep your skills fresh and sharp.

Finding a job is difficult. A Team Staffing can be a professional resource for you…much like an accountant or an attorney can be. This point is especially relevant for those that have real estate industry experience. Let us leverage our relationships to assist you.

To find out more on how A Team Staffing can assist in your job search, call us today.



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