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Festive Ideas to Bring the Holiday Spirit to the Office

The holiday season is here and that means it’s time to celebrate with your team who helped you throughout the year. Some companies love throwing holiday after hour parties and dinners but not all companies have the ability to do so. We have spoken to other clients who have shared some of the ways they celebrate with their colleagues at work without taking too much time on the clock to celebrate with each other and enjoy the festive season. 



One way to have a fun festive party is to host a potluck where everyone can bring a dish that means something to them during the holiday. It’s a fun way to try different dishes and it doesn’t break the office budget. Just make sure everyone plans ahead on what they are bringing so there is enough to go around and so you don’t whine up with 5 green bean casseroles. Another fun idea for your potluck is having an international potluck! Each person brings a dish that celebrates their individual heritage. Learn something about other cultures, celebrate each others backgrounds, and it gives you a chance to find something new and delicious to incorporate into your holidays. 


Secret Santa

A great way to give and receive a gift. Set a cap for how much gifts can be and let people draw names. Gather around in an office party where everyone opens their gift and have fun guessing who their secret Santa was.


Decorate the Office

It can be a fun way to get people in a joyous spirit when decorating. Hit the Dollar Store and hold a “Decorate the Office Party.” Colleagues can take a few minutes out of their schedule to decorate a section of the office. By the end of the day, the office will be decorated and the end result will astonish you. 


Holiday Bake Off

Everyone can play judge and contestant when holding a Holiday Bake Off. Positive comments only. Everyone can judge the delectable delights by scoring favorite to least favorite. The winner will get the coveted “Paul Hollywood handshake” and first pick of dessert to take home and share with their family.  



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