A Healthy Employee= A Happy Employee

It’s a new year and that means to start off the year with trying something new. Physical wellness has a direct correlation to a healthy well-being and also a healthy well-being in the workplace. A healthy employee= a happy employee.

A healthy and happy employee performs better at work which leads the organization to have more productivity and ultimately more profit. Here are a few cost-effective ideas to promote a healthy workplace:

Meditation Monday

Planning a small meditation class for 10 minutes can help employees start off the week with a bang! Meditation can help keep your employees focused for the rest of the day and can improve their mental health.

Health Ambassador

Find a health-conscious and positive individual that can act like a role-model to others and who can encourage fellow employees to live a healthy lifestyle. You could even make it a monthly competition so new people will be able to win the title of Health Ambassador.

Get Fresh Air

Your team works so hard every day and with minimal breaks. Take a few minutes, whether it be at lunchtime, or another break—encourage your team members to walk outside and breathe in some fresh air. Sometimes even a small change of scenery can provide a needed re-charge or boost to the system.

Sitting all day can take a toll on someone’s body when there isn’t significant body movement. This can ultimately lead to significant health problems like eye strain, back pain, muscular cramps, and headaches. Taking small breaks between work can significantly reduce these problems and allow the body to renew.

Real Plants

Having real plants throughout the office can improve the workplace environment. The plants offer psychological and physical health benefits like minimizing fatigue, reducing anxiety, and boosting your mood.

Stand Up

Offering an option to have a standing desk capability can maintain regular blood flow and improve posture. Sitting down for long durations can increase various health issues and reduce fatigue.

Sending Health Articles and Newsletters

There are many free articles and newsletters that are available online that can be incorporated and sent to your employees in your monthly newsletter.